Only avaliable 4 this week!
AND-Yep~ ur always waitin' 4 this! new aurthor!
HER NAME IS...LordxOfxBunnyXxX
pLEASE tREAT hER wELL, aND i FIXED the WeiRd GliTcH WHicH iS hAPPeninG TO My gOOd aurthors!
Message from...
izu izu chan~ : Yep~ thats me, the maker of this blog, just a sorry for the fans that I'm fixing the glitch and error and itlook like...HALF A YEAR! So Sorry!
vampire hunter: Ima just hunter of da vamps!
Yasora Ame: the glitch is so anoying!! >.<
LordxOfxBunnyXxX: New aurthor, are you happy? I'll be on when the others are on camps, valcations...etc. And I can tell you that I only go on a valcation every 5 years! *Sigh* I'm jelous >:(